Face lift A face-lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure to create a younger appearance in your face. The procedure can reduce the sagging or folds of skin on the cheeks and jawline and other changes in the shape of your face that occur with age. During a face-lift, a flap of skin on each side of the face is pulled back, and tissues below the skin are surgically altered to return the contour of the face to a more youthful shape. Before the flap is sutured closed, excess skin is removed.

Face Lift a cosmetic surgical operation to remove unwanted wrinkles by tightening the skin of the face.

Face peel Generally, fair-skinned and light-haired patients are better candidates for chemical peels. If you have darker skin, you may also have good results, depending upon the type of problem being treated. But you also may be more likely to have an uneven skin tone after the procedure.

Skin sags, bulges, and more severe wrinkles do not respond well to chemical peels. They may need other kinds of cosmetic surgical procedures, such as laser resurfacing, a facelift, brow lift, eyelid lift, or soft tissue filler (collagen or fat). A dermatologic surgeon can help determine the most appropriate type of treatment for you.

After a chemical peel, skin is temporarily more sensitive to the sun, so wear sunscreen every day.

Face Rollers The simple act of massaging your face with a face roller has a ton of benefits for the skin. It may even reduce stress and release tension, just like a body massage would.

Here are some key benefits:

Improves blood circulation in the face. Using a face roller can stimulate blood flow to the face, which can make your skin look brighter and feel firmer.
Helps with stuffy sinuses. Some studies suggest that using this tool may help clear the sinusesTrusted Source, though the research is still in the early stages.
Decreases puffiness. Rolling may also decrease puffiness (like hard-to-handle under eye bags) by stimulating lymphatic drainage.
Cools and soothes your skin. If you store your roller in the refrigerator or use a naturally cold stone like jade, it’ll cool the skin on contact. This can quickly de-puff your skin and tighten pores.
Distributes skincare product. Rollers are typically used with an oil or moisturizer to help the tool glide across your skin. It’s said this process can deliver product deeper into your skin.

Facelift As we get older, skin and tissues naturally lose their elasticity. This leads to sagging and wrinkles. A facelift, also known as rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that lifts and tightens these facial tissues.
A facelift can involve removing excess skin, smoothing out folds or wrinkles, and tightening facial tissue. It doesn’t include a brow or eye lift, although these might be done at the same time.
A facelift is only focused on the bottom two-thirds of the face and often the neck. People get facelifts for a lot of different reasons. A common reason is to help disguise signs of aging.
A face lift is a surgery that can help improve signs of aging on the face and neck. Fat and excess skin may be removed or redistributed from the face. The underlying muscle and connective tissue are redistributed and tightened. If there’s minimal skin sagging, a “mini” facelift may be done.

Facial A facial is the most popular treatment performed by estheticians. it is a good way for your therapist to get a good understanding of your skin prior to suggesting more aggressive treatments. a facial generally includes makeup removal and skin cleansing, exfoliation by mechanical, enzymatic or chemical means, steaming, extractions, facial massage, a treatment mask, serum/moisturizer and sunblock. for most people, facials can be scheduled every four weeks, although your therapist may recommend a different schedule based on your individual needs.

Facial procedure a beauty treatment for the face.

Facial redness Skin flushing or blushing describes feelings of warmth and rapid reddening of your neck, upper chest, or face. Blotchiness or solid patches of redness are often visible when blushing. Flushing happens as a result of increased blood flow.

Facial Yoga Face yoga is a series of repetitive facial exercises that work by stimulating face muscles, tightening the skin and reducing signs of aging. By strengthening the muscles and engaging them in resistance training, you can help your body increase circulation to the skin.

Facial yoga also focuses on relieving tension in the face, which experiences strains you form different facial expressions throughout the day. Engaging the muscles helps to keep the face rejuvenated and relaxed. While it’s not meant to replace anti-aging methods like sun protection, face yoga could help tone your overall features regardless of age.

Factors in aesthetic judgment Beauty is an important part of our lives. Ugliness too. It is no surprise then that philosophers since antiquity have been interested in our experiences of and judgments about beauty and ugliness. They have tried to understand the nature of these experiences and judgments, and they have also wanted to know whether these experiences and judgments were legitimate. Both these projects took a sharpened form in the twentieth century, when this part of our lives came under a sustained attack in both european and north american intellectual circles. Much of the discourse about beauty since the eighteenth century had deployed a notion of the “aesthetic”, and so that notion in particular came in for criticism. This disdain for the aesthetic may have roots in a broader cultural puritanism, which fears the connection between the aesthetic and pleasure. 

Fascia Have you ever wondered why you can’t touch your toes? Or why your organs don’t knock around inside you when you jump rope? Have you ever wondered how your muscles stay attached to your bones? Or why you have cellulite?
Stretching that elongates your muscles can help you release tension in your muscles, which is one element of fascia, explains Grayson Wickham, physical therapist, DPT, CSCS.
For best results, he recommends holding stretches for 30 seconds to 1 minute, but don’t force yourself into a deepness or position that causes pain.
Mobility is a fitness modality that, in its most basic terms, is the ability to move well. It’s movement that isn’t inhibited by lack of agility, flexibility, or strength

Fat cells A cell containing fat. Also called an adipocyte. fat cells, are the cells that primarily compose adipose tissue, specialized in storing energy as fat.

Fat reduction/body contouring Body contouring is also known as nonsurgical fat reduction. There are a variety of nonsurgical fat reduction procedures. These procedures reduce or remove stubborn pockets of fat to contour and shape different areas of the body. Most nonsurgical fat reduction treatments are based on one of these four principles:

Cryolipolysis, or controlled cooling, uses freezing temperatures to target and destroy fat cells.
Laser lipolysis uses controlled heating and laser energy to target fat cells.
Radiofrequency lipolysis uses controlled heating and ultrasound technology to target fat cells.
Injection lipolysis uses injectable deoxycholic acid to target fat cells.
Nonsurgical body contouring procedures aren’t intended to be weight loss solutions. Ideal candidates are close to their desired weight and want to eliminate stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. With most body contouring procedures, your body mass index shouldn’t be over 30.

Filler Treatment Botox and dermal fillers are cosmetic treatments given through injections, usually in a doctor’s office. They are minimally invasive, meaning they do not involve surgery. That is where their similarities end, however.
Dermal fillers contain ingredients that add fullness to areas that have thinned due to aging. This thinning is common in the cheeks, lips, and around the mouth.
People should be aware of the costs and risks of treatments and have realistic expectations of what they can do.
Dermal fillers, sometimes called soft tissue fillers, are substances designed to be injected beneath the surface of the skin to add volume and fullness.

Fillers Soft-tissue fillers are a common treatment specifically for rolling atrophic acne scars. they are used to level or raise the indented scars to match the normal layer of skin. fillers are injected under the scar and provide almost immediate results. over time, the soft tissue fillers improve skin volume and decrease scarring appearance.

Fine lines and wrinkles fine lines and wrinkles are the depth of the crease in the skin.
Fine lines are very mild, while wrinkles are a deeper set," he explains. "Some refer
to wrinkles as expressions and feel they apply only to skin folds that appear in areas of facial expression.

Fingernails With financial growth like that, it is important that we as practitioners recognize the types of cosmetic nail services available, treat the possible complications of these services and contribute physician-based products and services to the mix.    One of the primary film formers in nail polish is nitrocellulose, which creates a film that adheres to the nail plate and allows for oxygen permeability, ultimately creating an inactive and non-damaging coating on the nail plate. In addition to a compound that will create a shiny, tough surface, the polish must include a secondary film forming resin for flexibility or the polish will crack.

Fitness and aesthetics What do you think what is happening in 80% of the gym all around the world? People are becoming aesthetics obsessed. And the worst part is they think they are doing “fitness”. Conventional gym movements are very small piece of the actual fitness world. Doing these exercises 4 to 6 times a week for 1 hour WON’T make you fit. Yes it will help to make you feel good in the starting days and will burn some fat but after that your obsession for aesthetics will increase and then at this point your perspective will change from becoming fit to becoming more aesthetic. The truth is that aesthetic is not same as fitness.

Foot Facelift A combination of the above procedures performed to narrow and enhances the appearance of the foot. Often patients will remark that their shoes feel ‘roamy’ and wearing them stylish shoes or heels is now a comfortable option.

Fractional laser The fractional laser removes targeted areas of the skin’s upper layer and the laser light creates tiny holes in the skin’s surface. Each point of skin that is treated is therefore surrounded by non-lasered skin. The process stimulates the connective tissue and accelerated collagen production. The provoked healing process allows new smoother and firmer skin to be formed.

Freckle Freckles are small, harmless marks that appear on the skin. Genetics and sun exposure are the primary causes of freckles.
Some people are more likely to get freckles than others, depending on their genes and skin type. If a person is genetically more likely to develop freckles, exposure to sunlight can make them appear.
Freckles are common in children and may disappear or become less noticeable as they grow up.
Freckles appear when melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color, builds up under the skin. Freckles may look brown, red, or tan.
Sun exposure and genetic factors make some people more likely to develop freckles

Full Mouth Reconstruction While consulting with you about a smile makeover to primarily improve the aesthetic appearance of your smile, your dentist may discover that there is a need to provide necessary treatment to correct functional problems with your bite, muscles, teeth and bones structure. If you need full mouth reconstruction, the materials available today make it possible for your dentist to provide you with durable,functional and clinically sound treatments that also look natural.

Full-thickness grafts A full-thickness graft involves removing all of the epidermis and dermis from the donor site. these are usually taken from the abdomen, groin, forearm, or area above the clavicle (collarbone). they tend to be smaller pieces of skin, as the donor site from where it’s harvested is usually pulled together and closed in a straight-line incision with stitches or staples.
Full-thickness grafts are generally used for small wounds on highly visible parts of the body, such as the face. unlike split-thickness grafts, full-thickness grafts blend in well with the skin around them and tend to have a better cosmetic outcome.

Functional model of aesthetics If the aesthetic response triggered by structures (in our broad usage, this term includes texture, detail, and semantic patterns) of art and nature serves to enhance our perceptual faculties, how does this work? I propose that aesthetic responses guide formation of neural circuits that mediate perception and interpretation. Some models of neural development hold that the cerebral cortex initially forms circuits partly by chance, and useful circuits are then stabilized by a selective process.

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