Liquid Rhinoplasty: should go for it? pros and cons.

Feb 02, 2021

what is liquid rhinoplasty?
the nonsurgical solution to conventional (surgical) rhinoplasty is liquid rhinoplasty. more and more people are looking for a less invasive way to reshape their nose.
this is where it comes to liquid rhinoplasty. it still smooths out bumps and contours the nose, but it’s temporary and has very little recovery time.
it’s used to temporarily address issues like a dorsal hump (small bump), a drooping nasal tip, and asymmetry.
in this procedure the surgeon injects fillers into a patient’s nose to improve the contours and reshape it. this is usually done with hyaluronic acid (ha), the same type of filler commonly used in cheek and lip fillers. a research from 2016 also showed that ha gel was able to correct nasal symptoms that could not be solved by conventional rhinoplasty. minor post-rhinoplasty complications were also found to be rectified.
what’s the procedure like?
1. the treatment begins with the patient either sitting or lying down.
2. the nose may be cleaned with a solution made up of 70 percent alcohol.
3. ice or numbing cream is applied to numb the skin, minimizing pain. neither will be needed if the filler used already contains a local anesthetic.
4. small amounts of the ha gel are carefully injected into the area. adding too much can negatively affect results.
5. the filler is then smoothed out, not massaged, to prevent pressure.
6. the procedure takes around 15 minutes. however, it could take longer if a numbing agent is applied, as it takes around 10 to 15 minutes to kick in.
what’s the recovery like?
1. a major plus to liquid rhinoplasty is that there’s very little downtime after the procedure.
2. patients are advised to avoid pressure on the injected area 1 to 2 weeks after treatment. 
3. they may also have to gently massage the area for 1 to 2 weeks.
pros and cons of liquid rhinoplasty
it just takes about 15 minutes for the operation. this is also faster than the 1 to 4 hours it takes to finish a rhinoplasty.
results are instant, and recovery time is very short. you can have the procedure done and return to work the same day.
since there's no anesthesia, during the whole procedure, you are awake and conscious.
if hyaluronic acid is used, it's reversible. if the effects are not what you expect or there is a significant complication, the surgeon will use hyaluronidase injections to remove the filler.
results are temporary, so if you like your new look, you’ll have to get more treatments done to maintain it.
vascular complications are rare but can occur if administered by untrained professionals. this happens when the filler has either been injected into one of the nose’s arteries or it comes so close that it compresses it, cutting off the blood supply.
since certain arteries at the end of the nose are connected to the eye’s retina, vascular complications can lead to blindness. other arteries that are closely related can also lead to necrosis or skin death. however, in the hands of a well-qualified, board-certified professional, these complications are relatively rare.

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