What is a skin tag?How to remove them?

Jun 14, 2021

a skin tag is a flesh-colored growth that can be thin and stocky looking or round in shape.
these growths can develop in many areas on your body. they’re most common in parts where friction is created from skin rubbing. as skin tags age, they may become red or brown in color.
skin tags are often found in the following areas of the body:
breast area
who gets skin tags?
anyone can develop a skin tag.
about 46 percent of people in the united states have skin tags. they tend to be most common in people who undergo hormonal changes, such as pregnancy, as well as those who have metabolic disorders.
while skin tags can occur at any age, they seem to appear more frequently in adults who are 60 years or older.
how do you remove skin tags?
skin tags usually don’t fall off on their own. the only way to completely remove skin tags is via professional procedures done by a dermatologist. options for removal include:
surgery: your doctor cuts off the skin tag with surgical scissors.
cryosurgery: this is a less invasive form of surgery. the skin tag is frozen with liquid nitrogen and then falls off the body within 2 weeks.
electrosurgery: heat produced by an electrical current is used to remove the skin tag. over-the-counter products and home remedies may be other options if you want to try something less invasive, but there isn’t evidence to suggest they’re better than traditional means.
home remedies for skin tags
skin tags don’t usually require treatment or a visit to the doctor. if you choose to remove a tag, it may be possible to do so with products already in your medicine cabinet or kitchen.
most at-home remedies involve drying out the skin tag until it shrinks in size and falls off.
tea tree oil
tea tree oil, which has antiviral and antifungal properties, is safe to use on the skin.
first, wash the affected area. then, using a q-tip or cotton swab, gently massage the oil over the skin tag. place a bandage over the area overnight.
repeat this treatment for several nights until the tag dries out and falls off.
banana peel
don’t toss away your old banana peels, especially if you have a skin tag. the peel of a banana can also help dry out a skin tag.
place a piece of banana peel over the tag and cover it with a bandage. do this nightly until the tag falls off.
apple cider vinegar
soak a cotton swab in apple cider vinegar, and then place the cotton swab over the skin tag. wrap the section in a bandage for 15 to 30 minutes, and then wash the skin. repeat daily for a couple of weeks.
the acidity of apple cider vinegar breaks down the tissue surrounding the skin tag, causing it to fall off.
vitamin e
aging may contribute to skin tags. since vitamin e is an antioxidant that fights wrinkles and keeps the skin healthy, applying liquid vitamin e over a skin tag may cause the growth to vanish in a couple of days.
simply massage the oil over the tag and surrounding skin until it falls off.
garlic helps improve the appearance of skin by reducing inflammation. to naturally get rid of a skin tag, apply crushed garlic over the tag, and then cover the area with a bandage overnight.
wash the area in the morning. repeat until the skin tag shrinks and disappears. removal aftercare tips
infections and complications don’t usually occur with skin tag removal. some people develop a
scar after removal, which may slowly disappear over time.
after removing a skin tag at home, apply antibiotic ointment to the affected area as a precaution. this lowers the risk of infection. see your doctor if the area becomes painful or bleeds.
if you have a medical procedure to remove a skin tag, your doctor’s instructions may include keeping the wound dry for at least 48 hours, and then gently washing the area with soap and water.
your doctor may also schedule a follow-up appointment to check the wound and remove any stitches, if they were needed.

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