Stretch Mark

Mar 09, 2020

everyone must have been adviced to stretch your body as it's good for your body and leaves behind a healthy mark on your muscles. but what about the stretch marks over your skin?
it's of no benefit as it degrades your appearance leaving behind unwanted patterns over your skin that you never desired to carry with you over your skin and wish that it vanishes anyhow. although these marks won't hamper your health or organs but aren't great to look at. stretch marks happen when your body grows quickly for any reason but your skin can’t stretch enough to match up with the body growth. various other reason may include pregnancy, surgery, bodybuilding and marfan syndrome that weakens your skin fibers resulting in unusual growth. both women and men who are overweight can get the marks but it's more common in women, especially during pregnancy.
body make-up can help hide such stretch marks. you’ll find many creams, salves, oils, and other skin ointments that claim to either prevent or treat them.

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