Cosmetic Foot Procedures

Jun 08, 2020

despite debate in the pediatric community about the appropriateness of surgery for purely cosmetic reasons, it’s being done...and often has legitimate health benefits. note that most of these procedures are performed on patients suffering some form of pain, even though they are being labelled as cosmetic.cosmetic foot surgery procedures are done to reconstruct deformities from birth or due to injury. surgery also minimizes scars and improves the cushioning on your feet. while cosmetic foot surgery enhances the appearance of your fee, it carries the same risks as typical surgical procedures.while surgery does improve the appearance of ankles and feet , complications may arise. however, minimally invasive procedures performed by an experienced board certified podiatrist; reduce the risk and maximize your cosmetic gains.
cosmetic surgery to your feet has two purposes; one, it provides support and fixes imperfections so that you can fit into designer heels & two, it is a way to attain perfectly proportioned toes and slim feet.
common ‘cosmetic foot surgery’ procedures that can be performed:
bunion surgery removes the painful bump either on top of or on the side of the big toe joint. if it is often performed to alleviate pain in the big toe joint and or to remove an unsightly foot condition for cosmetic procedure, the incision is usually placed on the side of the foot whenever possible, traditional incision placement which leaves a highly visible on top of the foot.
this surgical procedure corrects painful contracted toes. it may also remove unsightly corns. visible scarring may sometimes be minimized by placing the incision in between the toes. this eliminates highly visible scars left by traditional incision placement on the top of the toes.
cosmetic tailor’s bunion surgery:
this surgery removes a painful just behind the pinkie toe. visible scarring is minimized by placing the incision on the side of the foot as opposed to the top of the foot. this is a departure from traditional incision placement.
this procedure is most often performed on the second toe (next to the big toe), although any toe can be shortened. like the hammertoe surgery. incisions are many times carefully placed between the toe so visible scarring is minimized.
toe tuck:
this surgical procedure makes the pinkie toe slimmer and removes painful unsightly corns. after this procedures, patients are able to wear stylish shoes comfortably and without pain
foot facelift:
a combination of the above procedures performed to narrow and enhances the appearance of the foot. often patients will remark that their shoes feel ‘roamy’ and wearing them stylish shoes or heels is now a comfortable option.
this surgical procedure eliminates painful ingrown toenails and fungal toenails that cause stylish shoes to be uncomfortable.
what cosmetic foot surgery can accomplish
while cosmetic foot surgery improves the look of your feet when you suffer from some conditions, it does have limits. podiatrist primarily uses cosmetic and laser foot surgery for problems such as:
wart removal
toenail fungus removal
reconstruction of deformities
scar minimization
restoration of foot functionally
risks of cosmetic foot surgery
structural cosmetic foot surgery carries genuine risks. while cosmetic foot surgery ideally corrects malformities, getting the procedure strictly for cosmetic reasons when you have no other foot problems may be ill-considered due to potential risks that may include:
persistent pain
new deformities where there were none before
nerve damage
results that don't meet your expectations
the positive benefits of cosmetic foot surgery
cosmetic foot surgery can have a positive impact on yourself-image and confidence. it may also correct years of abuse from high heels or improper;y fitting shoes. whether you desire structural adjustment or just cleaning up the surface of your skin, you need a highly trained and board certified podiatric surgeon.

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